so india was pretty seems like i just got off the plane yesterday, and tomorrow i get on another bound for edinburgh, scotland to shoot a wedding. ahhhhhh jetlag...anyway, ive neglected the 'ol blag for far too long and i think its time for an all out redesign round these parts, what with all these new additions to the blogosphere...can't wait to get back in the swing of things and tackle some projects that have been stewin for a while

heres a snap of my sister i made while shooting her senior portraits (tear)...hi and bye for now
gomez, yeaYeahYEAH! how about we open up a senior portrait studio for only the summer months and be globetrotters the rest of the year...really, i think it is that easy...
if you start a senior portrait studio, i'll be your bike courier! although what for, i don't know.
are you back in austin? hope you're well.
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